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Week 3

In this week we worked on prototyping the installation and making a promotion plan. Sacha brought

a friend who workes at Gogbot. Because I'm the promotion girl I got her number and sended a

document with a clear vision about our intallation. I also looked for events in Enschede which we can use for sponsors and promotion. I looked on websites from Enschede which are promoting cultural events and I looked at the event calander. I also made a list of promoters we can ask for our materials. 

On tuesday I went to the skateshop with Shtilyan. We talked to the guy about our idea and brainstormed a little about what we can do for the skateshop. He also offered to help us if we needed any skate related equipment. 

I noticed that our concept is sometimes hard to explain to other people without a sketch or 3d model. That's why I decided to make an animation that explains the concept clearly in less than a minute. With my teammates I discussed I will finish the animation before I'm going to Sofia on Wednesday. I already brainstormed about the look and made small storyboard. 

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