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Week 6

This week was quite a hectic week for the project in general and me personally. I feel sometimes a lot of stress to keep up with everyone and create good content and having a lot of other things going on outside school. But the team is really good and after a good conversation with Sarah on Tuesday I already feel a lot better about it. The week started really good with a sponsorship form concordia from €75. I made for the first time in my life an invoice and felt really grown up haha. The contact guy from concordia also sended the logo and an XML file with all the date so that was really kind of him. 
On Tuesday we had a little talk about the promotion. Rania said she would like to create some more content so I gave her kind of my task of creating content and I would help Max with the building. I have two left hands if it is about building stuff and I don't know why but I can't measure anything haha so helping with the building will be quite a challenge for me but I'm willing to learn some more skills. So I went together with Max to the Gamma to buy a lot of wood. We asked if the guy over there could saw the wood which saved us a lot of time. Max and I walked with a special stroller and all the wood back to Saxion which was quite a challenge but fun to do. Later that day we constructed a part of the bottom part of the installation and I was locked in for a while haha note I found out I'm not claustrophobic but after a while being in the installation it gets quite hot in there. 











On Wednesday I helped building the door in the installation. I also made a strategy plan for the social media together with Shtilyan and Rania. After that I did some research about how we can get more instagram followers. Our plan right now is to grow in followers this week and start our sticker campaign. 













On Thursday I worked on 3 little motion graphics for our instagram. With these motion graphics we want to inform our followers a little bit more about the beginning of our project so they fully understand what we are doing and why we are making it. One animation apperantly wasn't long enough to post so on Friday I made it a bit longer. Sacha also talked with Gogbot and Overkill and they both decided to give us 100 euros of sponsoring which is really cool. We can also probably present our installation at overkill and possibly Gogbot. Because I'm the sponsor girl Sacha gave the contact information to me and I sended an email to both of them to confirm the collaboration and ask if the want a contract and whether I need to send an invoice. So yeah we have been quite busy this week but I think we made some really good steps as a team.














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