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Week 2

The second week has ended and we really made progress!


This week Shtilyan joined our team. He joined us later because he couldn't travel to the Netherlands earlier (or it would be very expensive). Shtilyan had some great ideas and throughout the brainstorming and concepting hours we changed from ideas and concepts a lot.


At the end of week 2 we wanted to have a clear idea of what our concept was and on wednesday we finaly had a (kinda good) concept!


We had contact with a shop in de Haverstraatpasage and they really liked our idea! The skate shop also had some really cool ideas that we could use in our concept.


The concept:

Our idea is an installation that displays a hologram. This hologram is out of shape and when you get closer and interact with it, the shape will form again and the loud music will calm down. This is were our idea "The shape of sound" comes from.


Because I wanted to do something else than concepting I started out with doing research about databases. I wrote a lot of code to try and decipher how the PHP language works and how we could make a database out of it.


I also made a tiny version of a hologram made from the plastic in a cd/dvd case. It did work! I will upload some videos and pictures of how the hologram works later on in the process.


At the moment I like the hologram idea and think it would be so cool to make! I'm so excited about making the whole installation and programming all of it!



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