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week 4 / Making notes from the feedback on The design document



explain more about the concept - intallation starts to get crazy dont use standby term
show how does it influence Enschede

try to write down the concept as Shtilyan 
explained for teachers mentioning the functionality itself


We should work more on it
Specify better




Scan sketches and make them bigger 
and add descpription bellow


3D model


Measure people define a real average height of our target audience


Requirement list


1. move properties in same paragraph
for example: How many times light should switch on and off. 
major - the drawings that should be performed

2. -
3. think of what would happen if customer chooses our concept - life in service
4. acceptible on computer - maintainance
5. product cost
6. transport - should fit in elevator etc
7. dont use spray colors - paint it~! aesthetics - installation should be easily connected to a user

user journey 

use QR code -  to find on google maps 
make QR on web and share on google maps the location 
DELETE 5 min later and put under QR code img
+ people go the event - not just to review the website

morphological chart


hardware part - include! arduino touchboard laptop etc
use PIR instead of Ultrasonic
Actuators include more - vibration motor/ think more
decoration - sandpaper - clear




uptade the idea about using 3 screens intead of 4


State transition diagram


Not a clear state transition diagram
start - some explanation
technical states -  and how do you get there (sensors etc)


Deployement diagram

looks like a user journey - 


Hardware diagram

vibration motor - make to 12W 

concept drawing - put it in the beginning !!!

This feedback was given by Boris and Harry. I am very happy about their feedback. It was really positive, of course there were also few more spots that could be improved - but that's one of the main puzzles in the big project - always updating your work.  


Second thing that I made this week was the site map/information architecture for our website. I wanted to start with website as fast as possible and having all structure ready in early stage will save me a lot of time. 


Our website is going to consist of three pages Home/Events/Contact. After team's feedback, which was positive and they didn't have anything against it or add something, I started creating the wireframe of the website. 

week 4 / WEBSite prototype

In this week I have started with prototyping and making a responsive website for our project. After Herman's and Margrit's feedback yesterday, the overall design of our brand identity must be improved, so the website design can also differ a bit. In this link you can explore the prototype I made:


week 4 / Helping Max with bugs

On Tuesday I also tried to help Max with fixing some bugs while connecting Arduino to Unity. I didn't find the clear solution but gave some advice, for example, I told him to follow Boris code from VR module and to try connect first the Arduino in such a way instead of debugging his friends code. But of course most of the work Max has done and he is really handy with that!!

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