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Week 2

Last week we all felt a bit disappointed because of what first seemed clear and almost ready to use became a concept that we weren't able to "finish". 


On Monday we had a whatsApp meeting and created a small deadlines to put new fresh ideas in the drive so we could discuss these before our consult lecture on Tuesday. 

Tuesday was also the day that we met our new team member, Shtilyan! Luckily for us he came up with some really awesome ideas, at least to give us a fresh new start. And we still want to do something with culture and art.


This week we had our first individual, as a group, justification lessons. We discussed our learning goals and how we could help each other with these. Mine are:  


  1. As a visual designer I want to achieve more knowledge about certain programs, so that the client/end user can look at a better visual representation of the concept       

    1. CMGT competence: lerende oriëntatie 

  2. As a dummy in programming I want to achieve more knowledge about programming, so that the client/end user can ask for a product from a-z 

    1. CMGT competence:     voortgang bewaken

  3. As an experience creator I want to achieve the ultimate immersive experience for the audience, so that the client/end user wil remember it for a long time  

    1. CMGT competence:       creativiteit



  1. For Project based working I want to work on a open drive where we all have access to information, so that I can communicate better within a group

  2. For Communication I want to work on working with several personalities, so that I can communicate better within a group.

  3. For Entrepreneurial attitude I want to work on my negotiate skills, so that I can better stand up for my rights as a private person

  4. For Learning and reflecting I want to work on my blog process, so that I keep up very detailed blogpost about the process 



Learning goals, solution part:

  1. Give you feedback about what you make and give you tasks/ things to create.

  2. We will explain you the code and what we have done/how/why

  3. Help with coming up with cool concept/project/idea/call to action etc


Learning goals, justification part:

  1. You have already done that and we thank you very much! You take responsibility for keeping it clear.

  2. we will be open and if you are annoyed we will be able to talk about it, all together.

  3. We will give you the space to share your opinion. We give you positive reflections.

  4. Remind you to write your blog, ask questions about it and give feedback - shocking!


Every week we'll talk about our team process and ambiance. 

After long thinking reconcepting our time through the motivation got a bit lower. In my experience, when I noticed that people were a bit more depressed, I tried to motivate them and told them that it is important to maintain an active and positive attitude within the group.

Also after sketching for a while I came up with the idea to use a hologram instead of a screen. Our installation would look way more interesting and more attractive to use. The others liked the idea some got further from here. I noticed with this new input people became a bit more excited and found their motivation again. With our new installation idea we started to think more about the whole picture. Who is our target, what is our goal and how do we attract people.

Besides this we also thought about the  shop we wanted to partner up with, first we thought about planet of sound because our concept was more about music. Now our concept became more  abstract and underground so we choose for "not a skate shop" they have the perfect vibe for our installation! We went to the city to visit them and happily they liked what we told them and would love to have us in front of their store although he needed to discuss this with his business partner but this all worked out fine. 


Further for this week we had to deliver our one-pager, which I edited. The one pager contains all the import stuff about our installation. How does it work, who is our target, what is our goal etcetera. 

WhatsApp Image 2019-05-15 at
one pager team 8.jpg
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