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week 2

The truth is that we started this project being very confident since we had a great concept, the City Orchestra. However, after a week of long sessions, trying to establish a connection with classical music, Enschede, our target audience and this project, a lot of difficulties were raised.  We were all stuck and disappointed and we were not getting anywhere. We were asking the wrong questions and we could not escape from the initial plan. I tried to make the team think in a different way, and forget everything we had thought up until now. However, it was really hard for all of us. This is why we decided to leave things and take the weekend to brainstorm. We did so, and I decided not only to get inspired and find interesting ideas, but also to do a bit of research on the relationship of the youth and the classical music. 

Since I also proposed using conductive paint, I did some research on projects made with electric paint and the touchboard.

Shtilyan, the lifesaver

In the beginning, the fact that Shtilyan was in Bulgaria was a bit frustrating. In the end, it turned out to be our solution to our problems. He, with a fresh mind, came up with an amazing concept inspired by Chaldni's technique. We then talked about it, and tried to implement this idea into our concept. We then decided to create an interactive installation with a hologram as well as sounds, that people can control with their hand movements. 

Getting our concept clear was not an easy thing. We had to talk to a lot of professors, as well as Jacob - a super cool artist - and the owner of the skate shop in the city. We god a lot of inspiration, and we finally got our concept straight.

1st Justification Lesson

This week we also had our first individual justification group class, where we all discussed what are our learning goals and how we can help each other. I took the initiative to write everything we say down, and it was so good I did, because then we needed to add everything in our journal. 

These were mine:



Learning goals, solution part:

  1. Challenge you to try out more different ways of designing. read hidden persuasion

  2. Working together and find out what a good marketing strategy is. 

  3. Help you finding codes and help to understand them. Giving you coding confidence. 


Learning goals, justification part:

  1. Let you have responsibilities, being a guider of group dynamics 

  2. Remind you to write your blog, ask questions about it and give feedback - shocking!

  3. Give you the space and confidence to share your ideas. 

  4. Give you feedback (also in positive ways) for your role in the team. 

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