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Week 1

Project FAT, also known as Fusion of Art and Technology. 

For this project we need to create an installation for "Enschede promotie"


The goal of this installation should be that it would lure more people to the centre of the city Enschede. Approaches for this can be aimed at a specific target group or other known characteristics of current tourists. Enschede promotie already shared their statistics with us. 


While thinking about what kind of installation I wanted to create, we, my previous project group, also thought about our previous project from New Startup. With this we created a concept that really fits the question from the current one. 

Our concept for this project was a gigantic music instrument with people could interact, all with the goal to gain more visitors for the music and culture theatres in Enschede.  


Schermafbeelding 2019-03-26 om 23.03.28.

After we came to an agreement we decided to go further with our old project group during the new project although we had to find extra team members from the international class. 


The first week of the project. 

On Monday we had our briefing and visited promotie Enschede. We talked about the potential of our concept and talked about possible groupmembers. surprisingly some people offered if they could join us but we were strict about this and discussed what kind of qualified people we needed. 


On Tuesday we had a speeddate. As a small group we prepared a small presentation for people who still needed to find a group. In the end we found two girls, Indre and Rania who would be a good addition to that extent.

At this day we already organized a small meeting where we would discuss rules and expectations. Besides this we also got an extra team member. He currently was not able to be present at Saxion but did show us through video calling that he would be happy to be our last teammember. 


On Wednesday we had a brainstorm session with Hester and Margit. Important learning points were that while brainstorming we're not supposed to think about problems and only about possibilities. 

On Thursday we had our first sprint session. Yes we are using scrum again. Most people experience scrum as annoying, maybe because of all the memo's that get lost? Well there is a solution: online scrum. Though we first used trello, later on we got the advice to use vivify. With this you are better capable of an clear overview with using a backlog. 

During this scrum session we brainstormed about the concept and all made some sketches. 

Schermafbeelding 2019-05-21 om 00.20.04.

In the end of this week we all got stuck with the concept and changed it a few times. We asked Shtilyan to think about something new because his mind wasn't yet infected with an almost finished concept that couldn't come to a final good result. 

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