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In the first week we made our group and started brainstorming. Max, Sacha and I wanted to develop our City Orchestra idea we made in a previous project. When we started brainstorming we got really stuck on the harp idea. On friday we decided to brainstorm again and we came up with the idea to kill our little darling and try to come up with something else. After some brainstorming we got stuck again so we decided to all think about the concept during the weekends and have something new on monday. Personally I thought brainstorming a whole day is really tiring and after school my brain was like a cloud and I couldn't think anymore haha but I have faith in the fact that we will come up with something cool!


In this week we did the unexpected.... more brainstorming!! Shtelian came up with the idea of the Shape of Sound. I really liked the idea of visuallizing sounds. But as expected we got stuck again
in how we are going to visualize our idea and how it is going to work. Personally I was done with all the brainstorming and I just wanted to work on our idea. 
So we had another brainstorm session with our group and we came up with the idea of presenting the shape in a hologram. I think it is a really cool idea to use a hologram because 
it stands out and it's not used that much in other installations. When we finally had the concept I wrote it down more clear and I searched for the question why it's good for Enschede. For my personal goals and tasks I worked on an email for the skateshop we went to so Shtelian could send it. It wasn't 
that hard to make the email and the contract. I also brainstormed on myself about the interaction and how the installation is going to look like. 

Email to the skateshop: 
Dear ……… (owner if we know his name :) 
Last Tuesday we came by your shop and presented our idea for an exhibition at the 9, 10 and 11th of July. We asked you if we can stand in front of your shop those three days with our interactive installation. We are still very excited about representing you shop and we hope that you are still interested in offering us your spot so we can exhibit our installation. Hereby we will give you a little bit more depth information about our plans for the installation and what we can do for you in return.  

With the Shape of Sound we are going to combine two cultural aspects of Enschede, music an art. By moving your hands on the x and y-axis you create music. The music is related to changing objects in the hologram.

color changing (hand low → lots of color, hand high less color)  
shaking of the hologram  (hand low → hologram shakes more)
The intensity and the shaking of the shape will make the experience more intense. 

changing sounds (right sounds get more intense) 
shape varies from really soft to really harsh (lef → soft shapes, right→ harsh shapes) 

The holograms and the sounds are the feedback of your hand movements. 
Our final goal is to promote “off the grid” events for young people who are interested in  urban culture. This way we present art and music in a different way than they were used to see. We hope that our installation will get their attention and that they will be more interested in music and art which will lead to higher visitor numbers at such event. 

I hope by giving you this information you have a better idea about what our installation is going to be.
Of course we want to do something in return for offering your spot for the exhibition. First of all we can promote your shop on our social media account such as Instagram. We can tag you in our posts our call you shop in the description. Besides that we are thinking about a way of representing your shop using our installation. This can for example be done by projecting  the hologram of a skateboard when the installation is in standby mode or using skateboards and skateboard material for the outside of the installation. If you have any other ideas about promoting your shop using our installation we are always open for suggestions. 

For the exhibition we don’t exactly know yet how the days will go, but this is the information we have already. The exhibition will take place on the 9, 10 and 11th of July. The installation will stand in front of the shop throughout the day. We will probably be there the whole day and take care of the installation. During the night we would like to store our installation in your shop so it doesn’t get damaged.

We would really like to work together in this project and we hope you think the same way. If you are still interested we can come by and sign a little contract so we have clear agreements. Hope to see you soon!

Kind regards, 

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