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unity and firebase

It has been a few weeks that I am struggling with Unity and Firebase. I followed a lot of tutorials, but most of them were about iOS or Android applications - none for desktop apps. I had downloaded Firebase SDK but I had a lot of errors and the code wasn't running. After finding almost every singe video/ tutorial on collecting data, firebase, and unity I came up with a different way of connecting the last two. Instead of using SDK, I had to download the Rest Client Asset from Unity's asset store. It is much more simpler and clear than what I have tried before, 

After finishing the tutorial, I had some errors  - some I managed to fix and others not. Therefore, I met with Yvens on Wednesday in order to look it up. He explained a lot of things which gave me a better understanding of the code. We managed to fix all the errors and established a connection with my database. 

After my talk with Yvens, I tried to explain the code to Max. We then implemented this code to our Unity project. Max helped me a lot, because I really lack knowledge on C#. With his help we manage to have a working database on firebase, in which we store the answers of the people who interact with out installation.

WhatsApp Image 2019-07-07 at 23.17.56 (1
WhatsApp Image 2019-07-07 at

final sprint demo presentation

Screenshot 2019-07-08 at 09.54.17.png


As mentioned before, I struggled with making the diagrams for the design document. The reason is because the information provided by our teachers and the information found on the internet, were different, resulting in wrong diagrams. Therefore, I decided to ask Harry for a final feedback and improved them. This is the final result:

Screenshot 2019-07-08 at 09.53.57.png
Screenshot 2019-07-08 at 09.54.04.png


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